Jessie's Jewels [Submissive Sirens 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 8
Liam reacted before he could help himself. He lunged at Gabriel, fists raised. Before he could smash the duke’s nose, Gabriel had him pinned against the wall. Liam winced as he remembered Gabriel’s reputation in MI6. He should have known better than to charge him.
“What the fuck? Is there a reason you’ve decided I don’t deserve to live?”
Liam grimaced. Gabriel’s voice was devoid of the intimacy they’d shared, and Liam tried to tell himself that that was a good thing. “She was disgusted.”
Gabriel was quiet, unmoving for a moment. “She was surprised,” he countered.
“She ran away, Gabriel. She couldn’t wait to get away from the sight of us.”
Gabriel sighed. “Liam, you’re the only one ashamed of what we were doing. I’d bet half my fortune she was hot as hell watching us, and now she doesn’t have a bloody clue what to do about it.”
Liam pulled away from Gabriel. He was breathing heavily, and he had to force the words out of his mouth. “Perhaps I am ashamed. Perhaps I don’t want to want you. Perhaps all I want is her.”
Gabriel looked steadily at him. “Perhaps. But I don’t think so. I think you want a kinky threesome where you’re free to swing both ways, and I think you want that threesome to include me as much as you want it to include her.”
Liam swallowed hard. He didn’t want to hear the truth in the duke’s words, not when it could cost him everything with Jessie. “I’m sorry, Your Grace.” Liam’s voice was steady, even though his insides felt like they were coming apart. He forced all emotion from his tone, determined to salvage what he could of the situation. “I have to go now. I think it would be best if you left tonight.”
With that, Liam turned and walked—trudged, more like—away. He felt like half his heart was in the manor after running from him in disgust, and he’d just walked away from the other half. He’d made such a mess of things, and he had no idea how to fix it. With that grim thought in mind, he braced himself to face Lady Jessamy.
* * * *
Gabriel leaned against the wall of the stable, watching Liam walk away. His jaw was clenched and it took everything he had not to shout at the other man, to order him back and force him to his knees. No sub had ever talked to Gabriel like that. No sub would have dared. Gabriel’s reputation in the BDSM world of England was well known, and since his brother owned London’s most exclusive club, Gabriel had had lots of time to make sure his reputation was well deserved.
He blew out a breath as Liam’s figure got smaller on his grim march to the house. Liam’s saving grace was that he only spoke to Gabriel like that out of love for Jessamy. That, Gabriel could respect. And that was the only thing that had prevented Gabriel from bending Liam over the rail of the nearest horse stall and giving his ass the reaming it so badly needed. His cock ached to force Liam to recognize the truth of his desires, but Gabriel knew it was something Liam would have to realize on his own. His fists clenched, though, as he pictured the scene between Liam and Jessamy that was bound to begin at any moment. Liam would deny himself in order to do what he thought would make Jessamy happy, and Gabriel already knew that his fallen angel liked it dark and dirty.
Fuck that. Gabriel came out of his reverie and before he knew it was halfway to the manor. No way was he leaving tonight. He was taking his subs in hand, showing them who was in control, and he was going to force the truth of the situation on both of them—for all their sakes. He could sense the beginning of something incredible just around the corner, and he’d be damned if he’d let silly little things like misplaced shame get in the way of it. No. It was time to act, time to let the Dom out. He smiled to himself. His sweet little subs had no idea what they were in for.
* * * *
Gabriel sighed as he made his way up to Jessamy’s bedroom. He could already hear her and Liam shouting at one another, something about how Liam wasn’t gay and the only reason he hadn’t had sex with her was because she hadn’t let him. Gabriel winced as Jessamy became particularly shrill as she shrieked back at Liam. He made a mental note not to piss her off to that extent in future, or to make sure he had a ball gag with him when he did.
He walked into Jessamy’s room to find exactly the kind of scene he’d hoped to avoid. Jessamy stood, one hand holding the receiver of her telephone, the other gesticulating madly as she shrieked at Liam. Liam just looked mad. Gabriel could hear a feminine voice coming from the receiver, calling out to Jessie.
Gabriel took immediate charge of the situation. “Liam.” His tone was cool and even, the Dom taking over. “Please bring Lady Jessamy to my bedroom while I reassure her friend that she’s not about to be murdered.”
Liam stared at him, dumbfounded, before coming to a decision. He nodded sharply before walking straight over to Jessamy and picking her up in a fireman’s hold, putting her right over his shoulder. Jessamy, of course, struggled. It was the move Gabriel had been waiting for. He walked right over to Liam and raised his hand, bringing it down in an arc against Jessamy’s softly rounded ass. She shrieked louder as the spank registered, and Gabriel moved to stand behind Liam so he could look the little spitfire in the eye.
“If you continue to behave so poorly, I’ll begin your punishment here where your friend can hear it. So unless you’d like her to know exactly how much you like a little punishment, I’d suggest you hush.”
Jessamy snapped her mouth closed, glaring at him all the while. Her nostrils were pinched and white in her fury, and Gabriel laughed softly, running a hand down her cheek. He couldn’t wait to play.
For now, however, he needed to deal with something else. He moved back in front of Liam, facing the man down. He reached forward and cupped Liam’s chin, holding the man steady under his cool gaze.
“We will move forward together.” Gabriel wanted no doubt as to where the evening was heading, and he wanted at least one sub to be on his side for the moment. “We are partners in her punishment and in her pleasure. We will discuss other things later.”
With that, he turned and walked to the telephone, aware of the instant Liam bent to his will. Liam left the room with Jessamy over his shoulder, and Gabriel had no doubt he would find his subs in his bedroom as soon as he was done speaking with Jessamy’s friend. Anxious to play, he turned his attention to the telephone.
* * * *
Liam was nervous. He’d placed himself in the doorway of the spare room Gabriel had been staying in, leaning one shoulder against the doorframe and stretching his legs across the open space to prevent Jessie from leaving. And man, she looked like she wanted to leave.
Liam had taken Gabriel at his word, content to let the duke take charge of the situation. It had seemed, still seemed, so hopeless to him, and he wanted to see if Gabriel would be able to salvage it for either of them. The prospect of being partners with Gabriel gave Liam no small amount of pleasure. His heart warmed at the idea that the sexy, dark duke would really want to move forward with him and Jessie as part of a committed threesome. As Liam gazed at the angry woman perched on the bed, though, he wondered if anything Gabriel did would make a difference.
Liam inhaled slowly, taking stock of what was happening inside his chest. He’d always known he wasn’t totally straight. He’d always responded sexually to strong men and sweet women, and he felt the truth of what he’d said to Jessie when she’d accused him of not wanting her. He’d shouted that she hadn’t let him have sex with her, and even though she’d practically offered herself to him he still felt it was true. She wouldn’t have let him have the kind of sex with her he needed, because apparently he was just as much of a pervert as she was. He wanted to have sex with her, wanted it very badly, but he knew he wasn’t a Dom, and he knew they would need someone to complete them. His breath hitched as he allowed himself to hope for the first time that maybe Gabriel would be that person.
Liam smiled to himself. He was done with shame. The whole country thought Gabriel was the biggest pervert around, and Liam was thrilled to realize he hoped all the naughty, scandalous
stories about the duke were true. And what was more, now that he knew what his Jessie had been doing on her solitary horse rides, he wanted to embrace the kink. He just hoped Jessie would be okay with exactly how kinky he wanted it. And he hoped Gabriel would forgive him.
“Why in the hell did you carry me in here?” Jessie was still spitting bile, and Liam had stubbornly refused to speak to her at all, preferring to wait until Gabriel arrived. Perhaps it was cowardly of him, but he had a sneaking suspicion that Jessie wouldn’t be the only one getting punished tonight and he didn’t want to make things even worse for himself. Remembering Gabriel’s sharp smack to Jessie’s ass had him rethinking that position. Perhaps he wanted to make things worse after all.
“Dammit, Liam,” Jessie swore, “you won’t even talk to me?”
Liam smiled at her. He really did love her, and damn but she was cute when she was mad. “I think it’s best if we wait for His Grace to arrive.”
Jessie blew out a frustrated breath. “You can wait for him for the next hundred years, for all I care. But I don’t have to sit here...”
Liam noticed that Jessie’s words trailed off at the exact moment he felt a presence at his back. He straightened and turned slightly, nervous but excited when Gabriel’s massive presence filled the doorway.
“Thank you, Liam.” Gabriel’s voice was dark and cool, and Liam felt his balls draw up tight. He loved when Gabriel used that voice. He inhaled sharply as Gabriel reached out with one of his big hands and cupped his shoulder, the man’s touch affecting him like nothing he’d ever felt.
“She’s been trying her best to find a way to escape.” Liam’s lips quirked, Jessie’s outraged gasp from the bed striking him as comical under the circumstances. He’d already done enough damage with Gabriel. The least he could do was accept the big Dom’s control and treat him with his due respect.
Gabriel’s gaze slid lazily to Jessie, although his hand continued to massage Liam’s shoulder. “Indeed?”
Jessie drew a breath and started to speak, stopping when Gabriel’s gaze grew glacial as he looked at her.
“I did not,” Gabriel said coolly, giving Liam’s shoulder one last squeeze before walking toward Jessie, “I did not give you leave to speak.”
Liam almost laughed at the outraged expression on Jessie’s face. He knew that Gabriel’s need to dominate drove her crazy, but he also knew how secure it made her feel to have someone as strong as the duke shape her world. He should know. He felt much the same way.
Gabriel had reached the bed, and Liam watched with interest as he knelt down in front of Jessie. Liam watched with amusement as Jessie tried valiantly to stare Gabriel down, but it didn’t last long before her gaze slid away.
Gabriel grunted his satisfaction. “That’s better, Lady Jessamy.”
Liam was fascinated. He’d never watched a Dom work over a sub like this before, and he was mesmerized by the commanding figure Gabriel cut, even while the man was down on his knees.
“Liam.” Gabriel didn’t take his eyes off of Jessie. “Join us.”
Liam didn’t need to be told twice. He was on the bed, sitting beside Jessie before he’d taken a breath.
Gabriel smiled slightly, warming Liam’s insides. “The two of you seem to have a few things to discuss. I, personally, am not interested in talking, so while you have your chat I will go and prepare a few necessary items. Do not even think”—he cupped the back of Jessie’s head to emphasize his point—“of leaving. I already owe you both a fair amount of punishment, and I’d hate to have to add to that list. We’ll be here half the night as it is.”
With that, Gabriel got up from his knees and moved to the dresser across the room, methodically removing items and seeming to ignore them completely. Liam took a deep breath and turned to look at the woman sitting beside him. Jessie had taken a serious interest in her hands and sat staring at them, not looking up at all.
Liam looked his fill, drinking in her beauty. His heart began to race as he knew he was going to go for broke, and he felt his heart swell with the love making him almost giddy. She was his woman, and it was about damned time he claimed her. With a last thought to his Highland roots, Liam remembered the long-standing tradition of Highlanders carrying their women off and ravishing them, and he reached out and took Jessie’s hand.
Chapter 13
Jessie held her breath as Liam reached out and took her hand. Surprised when he laced his fingers through hers, she glanced up at him, gulping when she saw the raw emotion in his eyes. She quickly looked back down at her lap, knowing that he was going to explain to her that he and Gabriel had a thing and that they’d be leaving her on her own.
“Jessie.” She refused to look at him, but Liam forged ahead anyway. “Jessie, I love you. It’s important for me to say it right now, so that we move ahead with you knowing.”
She glanced nervously to where Gabriel still rifled through the dresser. She had no idea where things had gone so wrong, but the talk of punishment and partners and other things she didn’t understand had left her confused. And now Liam was saying he loved her. She sighed. She didn’t want his pity.
“Jessie.” Liam spoke quietly, his fingers rubbing the back of her hand where he held it captured on his lap.
“Yes?” Jessie’s voice sounded forlorn, even to her own ears.
“You saw Gabriel and me in the stable this afternoon.” It wasn’t a question, and Jessie flushed as she remembered how each man had looked, taking his pleasure.
“I—I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to intrude.” She could have sworn Gabriel snorted, but when she stole a glance at him he still seemed absorbed in whatever he was doing.
Liam sighed. “You didn’t intrude, love. In fact, I wish you had.”
Jessie looked at him incredulously. “I never would have interrupted.”
“And why not?” Liam sounded outraged now, and Jessie couldn’t for the life of her figure out why.
“Well, I had no place being there.”
Liam looked aghast now. “You most certainly did!”
Jessie stared at him. He’d lost his damn mind. “Where would I have been, Liam?”
“Right between us.” Gabriel towered over them both, reminding them of his presence. “That’s where you should have been.”
Jessie was pretty sure her eyes couldn’t get any bigger. They felt like they were about to bug out of her damn head.
Gabriel sighed. “Liam, please get to the point. Lady Jessamy seems to be having trouble following the conversation.”
Liam cupped Jessie’s cheek in his free hand, turning her face toward him. “Jessie,” he started, his voice tender, “I’m a plain man. I don’t know how to say this any other way. I’m crazy about you, love.”
Jessie shook her head. She didn’t know what kind of game they were playing, but she was having none of it. “We’re friends, Liam. You and Gabriel obviously have something special, and I’d never want to intrude.”
Liam flushed. “Jessie, I’m not gay.”
Jessie squeezed Liam’s hand encouragingly. “Darling, it’s perfectly all right. You don’t have to pretend anymore. Especially not with me.”
Gabriel sighed again. Jessie grimaced. The man did an awful lot of sighing.
“Lady Jessamy, would you have a problem with it if Liam was gay? Or if I was gay, for that matter?”
Jessie stared incredulously at Gabriel. “Of course not! I’d support you both!”
“Good.” Gabriel’s voice was as smooth as honey. “Then you certainly won’t have a problem with it if we’re both bisexual.”
Jessie opened and closed her mouth a couple times, not sure what to say.
“You see, darling”—Gabriel knelt down in front of her again, sliding a big hand around her back and nudging her closer to the edge of the bed—“I don’t discriminate. Oral sex, pussy sex, anal sex...I love it all. And imagine my surprise to discover that our Liam shares my penchant for filth.” He smiled at her, the smile of the spider to the fly.
Jessie turned to Liam. “ women, too?”
Liam laughed, his good humor restored. “I’m partial to one woman.” He leaned forward and nuzzled his nose against hers, the sweet gesture making her melt against him.
Jessie turned to the duke. “And you, Gabriel?”
Gabriel grinned evilly. “I love women. Especially naughty women who plug their own asses and finger themselves in public.”
Jessie shrieked, her cheeks flaming. “Bastard!”
Gabriel laughed, Liam echoing the sound. Before Jessie could say anything else, Gabriel rose to his feet and towered over her and Liam.
“Now then, my naughty subs, it’s high time I inform you of the rules.”
Jessie gulped, feeling Liam swallow hard beside her. “Rules?”
Gabriel’s gaze was like a laser. “Yes, Jessamy, rules. Rule number one is that you are not to speak unless I ask you a direct question or give you leave to do so. Furthermore, if I ask you a question I expect you to answer honestly. Is that clear?”
Jessie looked nervously at Liam. She loved submitting during sex, but she had a feeling she was way out of her league here.
“Yes, Your Grace.” Liam gazed up at Gabriel with love and trust in his eyes, and he squeezed Jessie’s hand comfortingly.
“And you, my cheeky sub?”
“Yes, Your Grace.” Jessie’s voice came out choked. She could already feel her pussy creaming.
“Excellent. Rule number two: I am a Dom. I am your Dom. You will obey me in the bedroom. Whenever we play together I am in charge. I will not extend my control to other parts of your lives, although sometimes I will be domineering anyway. Can you accept that you will be under my control when we play?”
Jessie was ready this time, and in fact Gabriel’s second rule excited the hell out of her. “Yes, Your Grace.” She heard Liam echo her, and she could sense his excitement.