Jessie's Jewels [Submissive Sirens 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 3
She inserted the plug slowly, and Gabriel could hear her soft moans as she fucked the dainty plug in and out of her ass, gaining ground with each stroke. His mouth watered as he imagined being the one to plug her ass, and a pounding started in his head and travelled to his cock as he envisioned her tight little asshole gripping his cock the way it was gripping that little plug. He stroked his cock a little faster, unable to help himself. He stopped though, holding his breath as Lady Jessamy uttered one last throaty moan, the plug sliding into her ass until its base was nestled between her cheeks, just peeking out at him. She stilled for a moment, then slowly turned over onto her back, reaching for the final item lying beside her on the blanket.
The look on her face was nearly Gabriel’s undoing. Her lovely green eyes were heavy lidded, her face flushed, her cheek pink from where she’d laid it on the blanket. As she squirmed she moaned, and Gabriel began to pant with need as he realized her little ass must have clenched on the plug, causing it to light up the nerve endings of her rectum. Judging by the size of that tiny plug, Gabriel was willing to bet her ass was virgin, and he swore to himself he’d be the one to have her cherry.
A quiet buzz jarred him from his obsession with her asshole, and Gabriel watched as Lady Jessamy maneuvered the vibrating dildo she held toward her pussy. As she spread her legs, Gabriel got his first look at the heaven between them.
Pink and swollen, glistening with the evidence of her desire, the folds of Lady Jessamy’s pussy pouted at him, beckoning to him in a way he’d never felt. Gabriel longed to replace her fingers with his own, longed to lean over her and put her legs over his shoulders. He’d inhale her rich scent and watch as her pussy creamed for him before tasting her. He’d eat at her for hours, lapping up the sweet cream that poured from her hot hole and fucking his tongue inside before ravishing her clit with his lips and tongue. He’d give her the edge of his teeth if she wasn’t still for his feasting, and he’d make her come so many times she’d forget her own name.
Lady Jessamy’s cry had him snapping back to reality, and he realized she’d inserted the dildo into her weeping slit. One hand gripped the blanket beneath her, and the other began fucking the dildo in and out of her cunt. She planted her feet on the blanket and closed her eyes, levering her hips up and splaying her legs to give herself room to work, the sweet sound of the dildo fucking into her sodden folds music to Gabriel’s ears. His eyes glued to Lady Jessamy’s pussy, Gabriel fisted his cock harder and began to pump, letting himself off the leash and treating himself to a series of hard strokes. He’d come when she did.
Lady Jessamy didn’t have long, Gabriel estimated, based on the way her hand was holding steady now, the dildo vibrating deep inside her as she thumbed her clit and pistoned her hips up and down. He picked up his own pace, pumping his hard cock furiously. He wouldn’t have believed the scene before him could get any hotter, but he stroked out of rhythm when Lady Jessamy, mewling in her passion, lifted both legs clear off the blanket. She bent her knees and splayed them wide, and Gabriel felt the seed start to boil out of his balls as she fucked the dildo into her pussy with the hand still thumbing her clit, and with the other hand reached for the butt plug. She tugged on the base of the plug, moving it in and out of her ass in counterpoint to the dildo, and Gabriel saw the instant she came. She positively howled as she found her release, arching her back and fucking both dildo and plug deep into her holes.
Gabriel saw stars as he came, shooting his cum onto the ground in front of him. He grinned. His damned cock didn’t show any signs of softening, and he really couldn’t blame it, since the naked beauty was still stretched out before him, trembling and panting in the aftermath of her orgasm. His cock seemed to think it was time for round two.
Almost apologetically, he zipped up, moving quietly back through the hedgerow to find Lucifer. It was a damned shame he didn’t get to share in Lady Jessamy’s afterglow, and he mentally added it to the list of things he was going to punish her for, not the least of which was failing to tell him she liked it kinky. He grinned evilly as he mounted his horse. Things, the duke decided, were about to get interesting.
Chapter 5
Jessie hauled herself into her saddle, groaning as she lay limp across Aphrodite. She felt like a pile of wet noodles, and she grinned. She felt fantastic. She didn’t remember the last time she’d come so hard, and her crankiness of earlier had disappeared and been replaced with a bone-deep sense of contentment. She mockingly thanked Gabriel in the silence of her thoughts, promising herself she’d come back to that fantasy. He might be annoying in real life, but apparently her libido didn’t care.
She clucked gently to the mare, starting back toward the manor at a leisurely walk. She couldn’t be bothered to hurry. She wanted the satisfied feeling to last before she was faced with Liam again.
She almost felt guilty thinking about him after her fantasy about Gabriel, but her oversexed mind latched onto a thought so salacious she unwittingly jerked the reins, bringing Aphrodite up short.
What would it be like to have sex with both of them, Gabriel and Liam? At the same time? Jessie felt her nipples bead and her sex soften as if she hadn’t just rocketed to orgasm. I like that idea. I like that idea a lot.
She clucked to the horse, setting her in motion once more. Jessie smiled to herself. She was pretty sure that particular fantasy would fuel her desires for weeks, and she was already keen to try it out.
She came out of her reverie when Aphrodite’s ears pricked forward and she began to trot, whinnying at something she could smell. Jessie frowned, looking around. She didn’t see anything yet, but the mare obviously sensed something. From up ahead, Jessie heard an answering whinny. She looked hard and saw a black shape begin to move out from a copse of trees, leisurely picking its way toward her. Definitely black, not the chestnut of Liam’s Tin Man. Dammit. The horse up ahead could only belong to one person, and it was the one person Jessie was most definitely not prepared to face right now. Her fears were confirmed as she took in the massive man mounted on the big black, his lips bearing the ghost of an arrogant smile, his long black hair tied back in a ponytail at the nape of his neck. The black shirt he wore added to the sinister picture he made. Jessie grimaced before plastering a smile on her face. His Grace Duke Gabriel Hartley rode up, looking like Satan himself.
“Good afternoon, Lady Jessamy.”
Polite and proper, Jessie felt the words to her core. Since when has Gabriel had this effect on me? First he’s fueling my fantasies, now he’s making me swoon? Pooh!
“Your Grace.” Jessie kept the words clipped, although was it her imagination or did her voice sound just the tiniest bit breathless? She hardened her tone just in case. “I trust you’re just returning home.”
Gabriel ignored her pointed dismissal, guiding Lucifer right up to Aphrodite and reaching for Jessie’s free hand. He drew her hand to his mouth, his lips just grazing the backs of Jessie’s knuckles. “I knew you were coming and decided to wait.” He lowered her hand but didn’t let it go, instead brushing over the place his lips had kissed with his thumb. “I could hear you coming from here.”
Jessie started violently, tugging her hand out of his grasp and causing Aphrodite to dance nervously away from Lucifer. Gabriel’s words seemed to carry with them a double entendre, and Jessie had a moment of sheer panic as she wondered if Gabriel could have been privy to her exertions by the pond. No, she reasoned, Aphrodite would have scented Lucifer if he’d been near. It must be my imagination. “Well,” Jessie said too brightly, “thank you, Your Grace, for doing me the kindness of greeting me. You’ll excuse me though if I don’t stay. Liam is preparing supper and I don’t wish to be late.”
“Of course,” Gabriel said easily, not at all daunted by Jessie’s attempts to dismiss him. “Liam invited me to supper earlier in the day. We wouldn’t want to keep him waiting.”
Jessie blanched. Of course Liam would have telephoned Gabriel. The two seemed great friends, not to mention that Gabriel was the
neighboring MI6 agent Liam also handled. “Lovely.” Jessie’s lips felt tight, and she was sure her smile was forced.
Gabriel didn’t sense her mood, or didn’t care. “Do you know what he’s preparing?”
“Not at all.” Jessie kept her answers clipped, hoping that Gabriel would shut the hell up long enough for her to regain her composure. Now that she’d had that first thought of taking on him and Liam together, her body seemed totally out of control and she was responding to him in ways she hadn’t foreseen.
“That’s just as well. I love surprises. Don’t you?” Gabriel smirked at her, his aristocratic left eyebrow rising.
“I hate surprises,” Jessie said on a growl. She didn’t know what kind of game Gabriel was playing today, but she wasn’t interested.
“That’s too bad. Perhaps I could come up with something to change your mind.” Gabriel smiled winningly at her, but Jessie still had a niggling feeling she was missing something.
“Not likely, Your Grace,” she snapped, digging her heels into Aphrodite’s flanks. The horse shot forward, leaving Lucifer behind as Jessie raced toward the manor. She didn’t like the way Gabriel always kept her off balance, didn’t like that she always felt the urge to crawl up on his lap or sink to her knees at his feet. Sure he was a Dom, but he was the most arrogant, controlling man she’d ever met, and she’d worked too hard for her freedom to allow someone like him to make her helpless once more.
She heard his laughter echo behind her and risked a look back, outraged that Gabriel had taken her hasty departure as a challenge and now spurred Lucifer toward her, obviously doing his best to catch up.
Jessie leaned low over Aphrodite’s neck, the challenge of outrunning Gabriel exciting the daredevil in her. She called words of encouragement to her mare, shaking the reins and encouraging her to even greater speed. She looked back again, thrilled to see that Lucifer hadn’t managed to gain any ground. As the stable came into view Jessie looked back one last time, seeing that Lucifer was still a healthy distance behind her. Her eyes narrowed, though, when she noted Gabriel’s hands on the reins. He was holding Lucifer back! Why the hell was he letting her win?
Jessie thundered right up to the stable before reining Aphrodite in. The mare had run extremely well and deserved some special treatment, Jessie thought as she guided her into the stable at a walk. Jessie’s eyes lit up when she saw Liam was waiting.
“Aphrodite beat Lucifer!” Jessie crowed her victory, jumping down into Liam’s arms and hugging him, wanting him to share in her excitement. Who cared if Gabriel let her win? A win was a win!
“Did she now?” Liam laughed, twirling Jessie around in his arms before setting her down. “I’d say that deserves extra oats. And perhaps a sugar cube.” Liam led the lathered mare away to her stall, calling behind him, “Tell His Grace I’ll look after Lucifer when I’m done with this lovely. Winners first!”
Jessie laughed, startled when she heard a soft laugh behind her. She whirled around to see Gabriel leading Lucifer into the stable.
“Well won, Your Ladyship.”
Jessie frowned. “Why did you let me win?” She kept her voice low so Liam didn’t hear her. He didn’t like when she and Gabriel argued, and she couldn’t imagine how difficult it made his job, handling both of them when they sniped at one another.
“I thought that’s obvious, love. Ladies finish first.”
Jessie fled, Gabriel’s taunt ringing in her ears as her face flamed. She could hear him laughing as she ran toward the house, intending to have a quick shower before supper. At the very least, she figured, she could do something with her hair. Jessie refused to consider why she suddenly wanted to look pretty, instead anticipating whatever delight Liam had cooked.
Chapter 6
Gabriel was still laughing softly as he guided Lucifer into a stall. Lady Jessamy was a real pleasure to tease, and his mind wandered as he thought of all the ways he wanted to tease her. His thoughts were brought up short, however, by the heavy fall of a boot behind him. Gabriel turned to see Liam and smiled as he greeted his handler.
“How are you, Liam?”
“Well, Your Grace.” Liam looked unhappy. “Why did she run away from you?”
Gabriel turned back to Lucifer, pouring him oats before giving him a sugar cube. “Lady Jessamy doesn’t seem to appreciate my sense of humor.”
“I will’na let you hurt her.” Liam’s voice had hardened, his accent thickening in his seriousness, and Gabriel turned to him in surprise. Liam hadn’t ever spoken to him like that before. Interesting.
Gabriel waited, his dark eyes going glacial and his eyebrow arching as he stared Liam down. Liam looked back at him, and Gabriel was impressed. Few could hold his gaze for that long. He was obviously serious about protecting Lady Jessamy, and Gabriel could respect that.
“I will’na let it happen.” Liam was glaring now, his jaw set and his fists clenched. Very interesting.
Gabriel stilled, curious to see where this would go. “My silence didn’t indicate an intention to hurt Lady Jessamy, Liam. I was simply waiting for you to finish your sentence.”
Liam flushed. “Your Grace.” Liam’s eyes slid away from his as he added the respectful title, and Gabriel felt his cock respond.
How lucky could I be? Two submissives, both within my reach? How haven’t I noticed Liam’s nature before? He walked to Liam, wanting to test his theory. He cupped the back of the blond man’s neck, forcing his gaze up once more. “I have no intentions to hurt her. But tell me, why are you so protective of your employer?”
Liam smiled timidly, making Gabriel’s breath catch. Those dimples were deadly. “Technically, Your Grace, she’s not my employer. And I’m protective because she’s...special to me.”
None of what Liam said was lost on Gabriel. “That’s right, Liam, I’m your boss. Don’t you forget that. And she’s special to me as well.” He released his hold on Liam, dangerously close to doing something that could backfire on him in a million ways. “You have nothing to fear from me for her sake. Unless”—Time to go for broke—“unless you’re not willing to share? Because then we’d have a problem, you and I.”
Liam looked at him, him mouth hanging open. “Share?”
“Share,” Gabriel confirmed, leaning back against the wall, crossing one ankle over the other. “She’s small, but she’s a lot of woman. I believe too much for one man. Once I tell you what I witnessed today, I believe you’ll agree with me.”
Liam swallowed, obviously wanting to ask something but afraid to do so. Gabriel waited. Sometimes the sub had to lead.
“We’d share her between us, you and I? That’s how it would work?”
Gabriel wasn’t stupid. He knew what the other man wanted to ask. He also wasn’t blind, because he could see where the front of Liam’s jeans was tented, his erection pushing the fabric outward. Gabriel felt something deep within himself become calm and still. The Dom took over, now that the Dom was sure that this little sub liked it both ways.
“Yes, Liam, that’s how it would work.” Gabriel made to turn away, then turned back, pinning Liam with his cool gaze. “Unless you’re also interested in other sorts of sharing. When you’re brave enough to ask for what you want, we’ll discuss it.” With that, Gabriel turned and began to walk toward the manor. Enough for one night. Now he needed to plan his next move, because before he’d taken ten steps he’d made a decision. Both of these little lost subs were in dire need of a Master, and Gabriel was positive he was the man who would be Master to both.
His decision made, Gabriel smiled to himself as he heard booted footsteps running to catch up with him. In a matter of moments, Liam was at his side, matching him stride for stride as his long legs moved in rhythm with Gabriel’s. Gabriel watched him sideways, saying nothing. He knew the ball was in Liam’s court.
“I wouldn’t share her with anyone who would mistreat her.” Liam stared straight ahead, his jaw set, his face grim. Gabriel waited for him to continue. There was obviously something Liam wa
nted to say, but didn’t know how to voice.
“If you’re referring to that ponce she was engaged to, I can assure you I’m nothing like him.” Gabriel wasn’t used to defending himself, but he found he wanted Liam’s trust quite badly. His trust, and all that came with it.
“No. I know you’re not like him.” Liam stopped, reaching out and gripping Gabriel’s shoulder, forcing him to stop as well and spinning him around. Gabriel looked at the hand on his shoulder and glared at its owner. Liam’s touch had done interesting things to his cock, but he wasn’t about to focus on that right now.
Liam looked Gabriel square in the eye. “You know what she is. I won’t allow anyone to touch her who can’t give her what she needs.”
Gabriel cocked his head to one side. “And what about what you need?”
Liam flushed, releasing Gabriel’s shoulder and making as if to turn away from him. “I don’t know what I need. And neither do you.”
Gabriel moved lightning fast, whipping his arm out and latching onto Liam’s arm, twisting it behind his back and marching him into an alcove beside the manor. He forced Liam to his knees in the grass, burying his hands in the man’s silky tresses as he yanked his gaze up to meet his own. Liam hadn’t even tried to resist, a fact Gabriel made note of.
“I know exactly what you need.”
Liam stared up at him, his face carefully blank, but Gabriel had seen the hopeful flare in his eyes.
“You need a strong hand. So does she. Luckily for you both”— Gabriel allowed a slow, wicked smile to form on his mouth—“I have two such hands.”
Liam flushed, dropping his gaze to Gabriel’s mouth. He licked his lips nervously.
Gabriel groaned. “The two of you are lucky you’ve made it this far. I swear, it’s like the blind leading the blind with two people as submissive as you living together. I blame myself for not having noticed it until now. But no matter. Now that I’ve noticed, I’ll take the appropriate steps.” He began to massage his hands through Liam’s hair. The man had clearly never been trained, and the combination of two such innocent subs available to him had Gabriel in full Dom mode.