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Jessie's Jewels [Submissive Sirens 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 16
Jessie's Jewels [Submissive Sirens 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Read online
Page 16
Gabriel’s mouth turned down at the corners. “Our conquests were all subs. Professional subs, for the most part. Neither of us had any experience with nice girls, sweet girls like you. I watched your spirit get smaller and smaller, and I told myself I could never ask you to submit to me. You’ve been submitting all your life, and I could see how much you hated it.”
It was on the tip of Jessie’s tongue to protest, but she remembered how she’d been feeling for the last week. She kept quiet and waited for Gabriel to continue.
“I fast tracked your visa so you could go to Parris Island.”
Jessie gasped. Of everything Gabriel could have said, nothing would have shocked her more.
“I kept track of you when you were on ops. I arranged for Liam to work for your family, and I supplemented his salary so he could stay with you after your brother died. I did it all for you.”
Jessie wondered if she was missing something. “Why did you hire my staff? It killed me having to let them go, and it was even worse that I didn’t know where they wound up!” Jessie was warming to her subject now, her pent-up anger bubbling to the surface. “And why did you buy my pianoforte? Did you think if you bought my life you could buy me, too?”
Gabriel flinched, and Jessie felt a moment of regret. That had been an awful thing to say.
“I wasn’t trying to buy your life. I was trying”—Gabriel smiled wryly—“I was trying to build you a home.”
Jessie felt stupid, she was spending so much time staring openmouthed at Gabriel.
“I had hoped that if I made a life for you here that you already loved, that you could come to love me as well. I had hoped that I could introduce you gradually to the BDSM lifestyle, show you the joy of a D/s bond.”
Jessie’s mind was racing. She stared at the man sitting at the pianoforte, seeing him as if for the first time. She also took a look inward, seeing herself for the first time in a long time. What had she allowed to happen to her? She’d been so obsessed with her independence, with never letting anyone else run her life or control her actions, that she’d forgotten how to trust people.
Jessie realized that what Maggie had said was true. There was a life she didn’t want to live anymore, but that part of her life was dead. She was the one carrying it with her, when what she should have done would be to leave it behind her.
Her whole body felt like it was going to come apart from the inside out, starting with her heart. Jessie realized how close she’d come to losing what mattered. Sure, she could sit in the manor for the rest of her life, toasting her independence and being proud that no one told her what to do. Or—this is the hard part—she could open herself to these two incredible men who had chosen her. Liam had opened her eyes to the joy of loving without fear or reservation, and Gabriel had taught her that submission didn’t mean she lost her identity. Hell, she’d fight him every time he tried to make a decision for her outside the bedroom, but Jessie realized how worthwhile it would be to fight with someone she loved rather than doing everything for herself and being insanely lonely.
Jessie’s heart melted. She looked at the big, idiotic Dom sitting at her pianoforte and allowed herself to feel. She felt compassion for him, since he really seemed dumb when it came to women, and she felt grateful to him for teaching her so much about herself. She felt scared about what she was going to do next, but her love overwhelmed everything else.
Jessie stepped farther into the music room, her fingers itching to play the pianoforte, but she knew she had more important things to do. She also knew that she had a whole lifetime of playing that pianoforte ahead of her, and that it could wait.
Gabriel appeared to be holding his breath, and Jessie smiled at him as she opened her robe. She let the silky garment pool around her feet and quickly stripped out of her pajamas. She sank to her knees, her hands palm up on her spread thighs.
Gabriel let his breath out in an explosive exhale. Jessie didn’t move as he pushed the piano bench back and came to his feet, sensing him close to her without taking her eyes from the floor.
In a move she wasn’t expecting, Gabriel bent and scooped Jessie clear off the floor and into his arms. Thrilled with the new position, Jessie wrapped her arms and legs around her Dom, resting her cheek against his shoulder as he walked them both over to a settee and sat down with her cuddled close to his heart. For the next few minutes, the quiet sound of their breathing was the only disturbance in the room as they clung to one another.
Finally, Gabriel pulled back slightly so he could look down at her. As Jessie peered up at him, she wasn’t surprised to see his eyebrow was raised.
“You know, all this sweet submission isn’t going to save you from the ass fucking you’ve been begging for. I owe you some serious punishment, dearest. You’ve put Liam and me through hell.”
Jessie felt her whole body clench from her heart to her pussy. “And what about you, Your Grace? Do I get to punish the two of you for the hell you put me through?”
Gabriel rubbed her bare bottom threateningly. “Don’t push it or I’ll ream this luscious ass right here.”
Jessie smiled sweetly up at him. “Are all Doms this clueless about women?”
Gabriel laughed softly. “No, I think it might just be me. You’ll have to be patient with me, love. I’ll be learning as we go.”
“Me, too, Your Grace. Apparently, I’m not good with this whole ‘trust’ business.” And because Jessie had promised long ago to fill him in, she drew a deep breath and started talking before she lost her nerve. “Gabriel, when Edward and I were engaged I asked him to spank me.”
The strokes on Jessie’s ass paused before picking up again. She was still embarrassed by the whole thing, and she squeezed her eyes closed against Gabriel’s shoulder before continuing. “We’d always had vanilla sex, him on top, and I suggested we spice things up. I asked him to spank me while he did me doggy-style.”
Gabriel’s voice rumbled up from his chest. “I take it he didn’t love the idea.”
Jessie swallowed. “He was repulsed. He said I was a freak, that what I wanted was disgusting. He said only whores let themselves be treated like that.”
Gabriel’s arms tightened around her. “You believed him.”
Jessie hugged him back. “I didn’t know what to believe, but I knew I wanted something more than just sex.” She sighed as she picked up her story. “Edward went to my brother. He told Christopher everything, that I was a pervert and Christopher would never be able to marry me off. He broke off the engagement the same day.”
“What did your brother do?”
Jessie tightened her grip on Gabriel. “He was furious. He’d been counting on Edward’s money to support his habits, and when Edward broke off the engagement it left Christopher high and dry. He told me if I wanted to be treated like a whore he’d start paying his bookies with my services. Otherwise, he said I’d better act like a lady so he could marry me to someone else wealthy.”
Jessie was aware of a fine tremble in Gabriel’s big frame, and she reached up to smooth her hands along his chiseled face. “It’s okay, Gabriel. Nothing happened.”
Gabriel cupped one big hand possessively around Jessie’s head, tangling his fingers in her hair. “If your brother wasn’t already dead I’d consider killing him. I’m still on the fence about poncy Edward.” He took a deep breath to steady himself. “Love, you’re not a whore. You’re a beautiful, pint-sized sexpot with the most luscious ass, an ass I love to spank and which I look forward to fucking one day in the very immediate future.”
Jessie smiled up at him. “I’m glad I found a Dom who’s just as perverted as I am.”
Gabriel grinned back, a slightly sadistic leer. “I’m glad I found a sub who’s so open to new experiences.” As Gabriel punned, his hand drifted lower to the crack of her ass, dipping between her cheeks to play for a moment with the forbidden opening there. Jessie could feel his dick pressing against her, and she squirmed a little. She was dying to let her newly acknowledged perverted se
lf off the leash.
Gabriel had other ideas. “Jessamy, we’ll get to punishment and sex soon enough. Right now, you need to make things right with my other perverted sub.”
Gabriel’s face was solemn, and Jessie stilled. “Gabriel? How hurt is he?”
Gabriel smiled slightly. “You’re going to owe him several thousand blow jobs, and he’s going to help when I punish you.” He grinned. “So nothing that can’t be fixed.”
Jessie gulped. She knew she’d hurt Liam, and she wanted badly to fix it. “Where is he?”
Gabriel stood, setting Jessie down and handing her the robe she’d discarded earlier. “I’ll take you to him. Come.” And Jessie felt her hand tucked securely in Gabriel’s oversized grip as he led her from the room.
Jessie was nervous as Gabriel opened the door to a bedroom on the second floor. She looked at him timidly, and he nodded encouragingly before giving her a little push. Biting her lip, Jessie thought about the best way of tackling Liam. Naked seemed like a good plan, particularly since it had worked so well with Gabriel, so Jessie dropped her robe on the floor for the second time that night. There would be time for protocol later, but right now she wanted to know that everything was right between her and her men.
Liam lay facing away from her, his big body hunched as if he was cold. Jessie padded quietly to the bed and lifted a corner of the sheet, crawling in and scooting over to him. She spooned him from behind, sighing at the pleasure of having her breasts pressed against his warm back. She draped her arm over him, stroking the taut muscles of his abdomen. He stirred, tucking her hand into his, before seeming to drift back to sleep. Jessie shrugged mentally. Good enough for her. She’d talk to him in the morning.
No such luck. Liam, seemingly aware of Jessie’s presence all of a sudden, came awake. Jessie went from spooning him to being squashed underneath his oversized frame as he rolled on top of her, cupping the back of her neck with one hand and her ass with the other, all the while peppering her face and breasts with kisses.
“Liam!” Jessie wheezed, “Can’t...breathe...”
Liam rolled off of her, pulling her to lie on top of him with her legs arranged on either side of his narrow hips. His hands still cupped her. He still peppered her with kisses.
“I love you, Liam. I’m sorry.” Jessie managed to get the words out between kisses.
Liam grinned up at her, and his smile was like the sun coming up after a rainy day. “I love you, too.”
With that, Liam rolled Jessie to her side, curling his body around her from behind. And just like that, everything was right again. Jessie was humbled by Liam’s loving nature, and she vowed to learn to love as he did.
“Tomorrow we’re moving to the master bedroom. This bed isn’t nearly large enough for what I have planned.” Jessie had thought Gabriel had left after delivering her to Liam, and when she looked up she saw that the duke had stripped out of his clothes and was standing with his hands on his hips, surveying the bed.
She giggled up at him. “There’s room for one more, Your Grace.”
Gabriel glowered at her, although there was no mistaking the mirth in his eyes. “There had better be. It’s my damn bed.”
Chapter 25
Breakfast the next morning was a merry affair. There was incessant teasing and laughter, and of course, delicious food. Jessie groaned as Liam offered her another cherry bun.
“Liam, I’m going to get fat as a house as it is. I’m stuffed full!” Jessie wrapped her arms around her stomach, laughing.
“I could stuff you fuller.” Gabriel growled the words, causing Jessie’s laughter to die on her lips. Gabriel was looking at her hungrily, and Jessie shivered under that predatory gaze.
Liam reached out and pinched her side. “I don’t know, Your Grace, she seems pretty full to me.” He grinned, making Jessie laugh again and causing Gabriel’s mouth to twitch.
Gabriel turned to Liam, his eyes dancing with mirth. “You should be quiet, sub. You’ve had your fair share of excitement already.”
Gabriel laughed as Liam blushed, and Jessie couldn’t help but join in Gabriel’s laughter.
Earlier that morning, they’d all awoken to a chorus of feminine shrieks. Gabriel had bounded out of bed, naked as a jaybird, and had struck a defensive pose before he was even fully awake. Jessie, previously sandwiched between the men, had responded with a shriek of her own before yanking the blankets up to her chin. Liam had simply stared around the room, sleepy and confused.
It seemed that one of the chambermaids had developed quite a crush on Liam since his arrival, and she had assumed he was single since he’d been sleeping alone. Although he’d politely but firmly stopped her advances, she’d proven tenacious and clearly didn’t want to give up on the gorgeous manservant. That morning she’d decided to up her game, arriving in Liam’s room wearing nothing but her tiny apron and carrying a feather duster. The poor girl had nearly had a heart attack when she’d arrived in Liam’s bedroom and found him in bed with not only Jessie, but Gabriel as well, in a tangle of naked limbs.
All would have been well, since the girl knew enough to begin backing quietly out of the room, but for Gabriel’s finely honed instincts. Sensing a presence in the room even in his sleep, he’d leapt at the poor girl, his dark hair flying around his head and his manhood on full display. Jessie still wasn’t sure what had frightened the maid more, Gabriel’s terrifyingly quick reaction time, or his enormous morning erection.
Half the household had come running. Gabriel, sensing no threat, had taken pity on the girl staring at his dick and had wrapped a blanket around his waist. When the rest of the servants had contented themselves that no one was being murdered, they’d calmly gone back to their beds. When Jessie pulled Maggie aside later on, stammering out an apology, Maggie had patted her hand and shushed her.
“We’re more than used to His Grace’s antics, Miss Jessamy. Frankly, we’re delighted for all three of you, since we’re willing to wager he’s met his match in you and Liam.”
That comment had banished the rest of Jessie’s hesitance. She’d arrived at breakfast a different person, secure in her love for her men and secure in how she felt about herself. Gabriel had insisted she tell Liam about Edward, and afterward, the three of them talked about their shared perversions. The conversation had been arousing to say the least, and they’d ultimately agreed that any time Jessie felt the weight of Edward’s words, she’d strip off her clothes and ask Gabriel to spank her. If Gabriel wasn’t around, she was to give Liam a blow job. Orders like these, Jessie was happy to follow.
After they’d finished eating, Gabriel had asked to show her and Liam around Hartley House. The three of them had walked, hand in hand, from one glorious room to the next. Jessie and Liam were sincere in their compliments, and Jessie was tickled to see Gabriel blush each time they complimented him.
After wandering through the house for some time, Jessie could sense that Gabriel was getting nervous. She reached for his hand and squeezed it reassuringly, not sure what was wrong, as they approached a door in a remote corner on the upper floor of the mansion.
Gabriel regarded her and Liam for a moment before letting go of Jessie’s hand and moving toward the door. “This, my lovely subs, is where you get to see exactly how nasty your Dom is.” With that, Gabriel threw back the door and motioned them through.
Jessie gasped. Through the door was the most decadent, gorgeous bedroom she’d ever seen. It screamed Gabriel. The floor was dark, polished wood like the other floors of Hartley House, but that was where the similarities to the other rooms in the mansion ended. There was a huge stone fireplace dominating one wall, and an enormous bed opposite. Jessie didn’t think she’d ever seen a bed that big before. The bed itself was big and dark like its owner, with ornately carved posts at each corner. Fixed to each post Jessie could see what looked like iron rings.
As she scanned the rest of the room, she was struck by the richness of the reds and blacks that flowed from floor to ceiling, tempered by
the softness of creams here and there in the myriad pillows scattered about the room. There was a pair of massive leather chairs before the fireplace, and one wall sported a bank of windows that ran almost from floor to ceiling. Jessie was drawn to those windows, and she crossed the room to look outside. The view was spectacular since they were so high up, the rugged perfection of the moors surrounding Hartley House the perfect backdrop to the masculine beauty of Gabriel’s bedroom.
Jessie turned to Gabriel, unsurprised that Liam stood beside her at the window. He, too, had been drawn to the view. “Gabriel, this is incredible.”
Gabriel relaxed visibly. “You like it?”
Jessie walked to him, putting her arms around his waist. “It’s beautiful, Your Grace.”
Gabriel squeezed her hip. “Good. I hoped you’d like it, since you’ll be spending many hours in this room, little sub.”
Jessie felt her pussy clench. It had been so long since they’d played!
Gabriel, it seemed, wasn’t done with the tour. “Keep exploring, my dears. You’ll notice a door on that wall.”
Jessie looked to where Gabriel pointed, and sure enough, a door led out from the room. Jessie frowned. “Gabriel, we didn’t pass any doorways in the corridor on our way here.”
Gabriel smiled, his smile a wolf’s smile. “That’s because the only way you can get in—or out, for that matter—of the rest of the rooms in my suite is to go through the bedroom. Or through the sitting room at the end, which you haven’t seen yet. Go on, go see where the door leads.”
Feeling like Alice down the rabbit hole, Jessie offered her hand to Liam as he opened the door Gabriel had pointed out. They left the bedroom through the door, and on the other side Jessie found herself in a bathroom that looked like something straight out of Ancient Greece or Rome. There was a sunken tub up on a platform, and the tub was definitely big enough for all of them. Jessie felt like she was positively drooling as her eyes took in the oversized shower, noting the multiple showerheads on the walls as well as the ceiling. She was getting all sorts of naughty ideas about this bathroom, and as her eyes caressed the white-veined black marble, she didn’t think she’d ever seen such a hedonistic space.