Jessie's Jewels [Submissive Sirens 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 12
Jessie had howled. She could hear Gabriel’s deep laughter beside her, and she’d wiped the tears from her eyes to see Liam’s lips twitching as he did his best to glower at them.
Once Gabriel had gotten control of himself, he’d crooked a finger at Liam. Liam had deposited the platter on the table and had sunk to his knees beside Gabriel, the pink ruffles on the front of his apron fluttering softly. Gabriel had reached out, stroking Liam’s cheek. Jessie’s breath had caught at the unexpectedly sweet turn to Gabriel’s lips.
“I don’t believe I’ve ever seen a gran with such a delicious ass.”
Liam smiled up at Gabriel. “I’d be surprised if you had, Your Grace.”
His male pride restored to its usual glory, Liam had dutifully stripped off every stitch each time he’d cooked since then, gamely tying the frilly apron on and wearing it until Gabriel gave him permission to remove it. Jessie hadn’t known how fun it would be to hide her head under the front of an apron when giving a blow job, but she soon found out since it seemed it was Gabriel’s favorite reward to give Liam for wearing the silly thing.
Jessie splashed as she came back to herself, scrubbing the sponge over her legs briskly. Her daydreaming had meant that the water was getting cold and she was turning into a prune. She sloshed around, tossing the sponge to the side of the tub as she leaned back once more, not wanting to get out of the bubbles. She’d come back to her dilemma, and she really had no idea how to solve it.
Cabin fever is putting it mildly, Jessie thought. She’d been unable to go anywhere on her own, do anything by herself, or even follow her usual routine, and it was really starting to get her down. The men who’d attacked her had shown no sign of themselves over the course of the last month, and the combination of being uncertain about their intentions and exasperated over the slow crawl of time made Jessie waspish and short tempered. She hated feeling like she was confined to the house, and as much as she loved the company of Liam and Gabriel, she was getting awfully tired of Gabriel controlling her actions.
She frowned, running over the list of things she was no longer allowed to do. She hadn’t been for a ride in ages, only going for walks around the manor with Gabriel or Liam accompanying her, and she’d barely been out of the manor otherwise. The ugly thought gnawed at her that she’d started feeling more and more the way she’d felt when her mother and brother were still alive, and Jessie was starting to panic that she’d traded one kind of imprisonment for another. Sure, this one came with as much naughty sex as she wanted, perhaps more, but it still felt a lot like her freedom was gone.
She was loathe to say anything about her misgivings to either of her men. She knew it would break Liam’s heart if he knew how she felt, and she couldn’t imagine that a man as dominant as Gabriel would take it well that she wanted him to quit being so controlling.
Cut short in her musings, Jessie heard the door to her bathroom open, and she was unsurprised as both men entered. She unstopped the tub, standing up as the whoosh of water washed the remainder of the lukewarm bubbles down the drain.
Gabriel stood lounging against the door, eyeing her wet curves with interest. She shivered under his gaze. No matter how she might resent his control over her actions at the moment, she couldn’t deny the electricity that shot through her at his smallest glance. She wrapped her arms around herself, the combination of the cool air and heat from Gabriel’s gaze making her shiver.
Liam, noticing her trembling, snagged her bath sheet from where she’d laid it and shook it out, wrapping it around her and hugging her close in order to dry her off. She relaxed into his arms, his scent warming her more than anything. Liam always smelled like the kitchen, and Jessie found she loved being hugged by a man who always smelled like a cookie.
“You’ve been cooped up.” It was like Gabriel read Jessie’s thoughts, and she looked at him, startled.
“I suppose I have. But we all have, Gabriel.”
“Well, we thought we’d do something about that today. I’m not persuaded that those bastards have left well enough alone, so you’ll have to put up with our company.” Jessie thought that was a fine trade. The prospect of getting out, going somewhere farther than the garden, was almost making her mouth water. “Your Grace makes it seem like a chore.” Jessie smiled at Gabriel, hoping her use of his title would inspire him to be even more lenient in whatever he was planning.
“Liam’s been cooking all morning. I’m sure what he’s prepared will sweeten the deal enough for you to cope.” Gabriel’s mouth twitched, and Jessie wondered what on earth the two of them were planning. Before she could ask, Liam cuddled her close to his chest, leaning down so his mouth was beside her ear.
“We thought,” he whispered, rubbing her back through the towel, “a picnic.”
Chapter 19
Jessie laughed from sheer joy. She looked from one side to the other as the familiar landscape streamed by, glorying in the way the wind whipped through her long hair, snapping it back and lifting it from her scalp.
Liam rode on her right, his big frame settling easily into the canter as Tin Man’s muscles bunched and smoothed. He smiled at her now, his golden beauty taking her breath away as the dappled sunlight shone on his face.
Gabriel was on Jessie’s left, flanking her, and he wore his long hair loose so that it tangled around his face. Lucifer cantered easily beside Aphrodite, seemingly happy to run alongside her rather than being first in line. Jessie watched as Gabriel handled the reins, one big hand holding the horse in check and the other settling the duffel he’d brought with him on his lap. Jessie had a few suspicions about the contents of that duffel. When she’d asked about it before they’d left the manor, Gabriel had loftily informed her that it required items necessary to the picnic they were going to share. Jessie’s eyes had narrowed as she’d looked at the gigantic picnic basket Liam carried. What else could they possibly need that wouldn’t fit into that basket? She had a feeling that the Dom was going to come out to play, and Jessie’s heart did double-time as she imagined where they were going and what was going to happen when they arrived.
The pond came into view far sooner than Jessie would have liked. She’d been enjoying the ride immensely, and she was a little disappointed that they were only going this far today. She couldn’t really complain, though—Liam and Gabriel seemed to have noticed her restlessness, and had orchestrated today’s outing as a way of taking her mind off of their current predicament. Jessie wondered briefly if she could persuade Gabriel to let them ride to Hartley House, since the pond was the middle mark between the two. She suspected he’d be happy to go home for a little while, and it would do her and Liam good to be able to venture a little farther next time. She tucked the idea away, prepared to broach it with Gabriel later.
Liam was the first to dismount once they’d reached the pond, leading Tin Man over to the low-hanging branches of a copse of trees and tying him loosely before offering him an apple. He helped Jessie dismount then treated Aphrodite to the same, tying Lucifer beside her once Gabriel had dismounted. The three horses ignored their riders, chomping companionably on their apples before moving to nibble on the lush grass carpeting the clearing.
Gabriel moved to a flat area beside the pond, opening his duffel and removing a plush blanket before zipping it shut, closing it before Jessie could get a glimpse of what other secrets it contained. He gestured for Jessie to help him, and between the two of them they shook out the blanket before spreading it on the ground. Liam moved to join them, the heavy picnic basket in his arms as he knelt down and placed it in the centre of the blanket.
“I think, my dears, we should swim before we eat. I’m sure we’ll be all the hungrier for it.” Gabriel smiled wickedly at Jessie and Liam, making Jessie wonder for the umpteenth time what he was planning.
Jessie nodded her assent, smiling to herself that she had her own secrets to reveal. To that end, she sat down on the edge of the blanket and leaned down to remove her tall riding boots, stripping her socks off at the
same time. Ignoring the men completely, she shrugged out of her riding coat, gripping the hem of her shirt to rid herself of the garment next. She smiled as she raised the shirt over her head and heard the twin growls from either side of her. She’d chosen her undergarments with care, remembering that Gabriel had watched her pleasure herself the last time she’d been to the pond, and she wanted to give both her men a show.
Her breasts were cupped in a lace-trimmed demi bra, the half cups adorned by bows. Jessie reached her hands over her head and stretched, arching her back and thrusting her breasts out, drawing a deep breath and sighing deeply. She peeked from under her lashes, thrilled to see that both men had paused in the act of disrobing and were now riveted on the spectacle she created. Leisurely, Jessie stood up and unbuttoned her tight riding pants, bending down to strip them off her legs. She wore a tiny thong, the match to the lacy bra, and she loved the minute bow adorning the triangle that crowned the top of her ass, just above the split between her cheeks. She stayed bent at the waist for a little longer than necessary, ostensibly folding her clothing before straightening up and turning to the men.
She feigned surprise. “My goodness! The two of you are taking so long to undress, I’ll have swum myself to death and finished lunch by the time you’re ready!” She smiled winningly, reaching her hands around her back to undo the clasp of her bra. Before she could unhook it, she felt a pair of hands at her back.
“Allow me, love.” Liam deftly undid her bra, sliding the straps down her arms before reaching around to lift the confection away from the undersides of her breasts. He tossed it onto the blanket, his hands returning to the sensitive undersides of her breasts as he alternately stroked and pinched her nipples gently between his big fingertips. Jessie felt Liam’s soft hair brush her shoulder and shivered as he leaned down to bite the sensitive spot where her neck joined her shoulder, tilting her head to one side and nibbling his way up the side of her neck.
Jessie’s eyes flew open as she felt another set of hands on her hips, and she felt bewildered and glassy eyed as she looked up to see Gabriel smiling rakishly down at her.
“You have the loveliest underthings, Lady Jessamy.” Gabriel punctuated his statement by leaning down and tonguing her nipple, Liam cupping her breasts from behind in offering. Jessie moaned as his soft tongue laved her tender tip, the velvety stroke causing a tendril of fire to lick down between her legs.
Gabriel raised his head from her breast, reaching down with a single fingertip to trace the silky material of Jessie’s thong where it already grew damp between her legs. “They’re lovely,” Gabriel mused, “but totally unnecessary.” With that, he tangled his hand in Jessie’s thong, tearing the scrap of fabric right off her body. “I like the idea of you riding back to the manor with no panties, my seed and Liam’s on your thighs.”
Jessie gasped, Gabriel’s dark words causing a fresh gush of moisture to flow from her slit. She was totally robbed of coherent thought as Gabriel pressed close to her front at the same time that Liam moved closer to her back, the sensation of being trapped between two gorgeous men enough to make her tremble. She felt so tiny next to them, her head barely reaching their chins, and the fact that they were half clothed while she was naked made her giddy with desire. She leaned forward and peppered Gabriel’s chest with little kisses, reaching behind her and threading her hand through Liam’s golden locks as he leaned forward over her shoulder. Her hips undulated and she squirmed, not sure which way to turn to assuage her raging lust.
Liam took the choice away from her as he stepped back and quickly shed the rest of his clothing, scooping Jessie up in his arms and starting for the pond. Gabriel laughed behind them as Jessie shrieked, trying to escape from Liam’s hold as he waded straight into the cool water, taking her with him. Liam released Jessie once the water had become deep enough to swim, and Jessie swam away from him, screeching curses in his general direction. She heard a splash and whirled around, panicking when she realized Gabriel had dived beneath the water and she couldn’t see where he had gone. She let out a bloodcurdling shriek as she felt big hands on her waist, and she struggled futilely as Gabriel hauled her beneath the surface of the water.
Jessie came up sputtering and was greeted by a chorus of male laughter. She narrowed her eyes at her men. A moment later she gasped, drawing their gazes as she opened her eyes wide, trying to look frightened. “Ooh, I think I’ve cut my foot on a rock!”
Both men immediately began making their way toward her, and Jessie waited until they were almost on her before using Gabriel’s shoulders to vault onto his back, knocking him off balance and sending them both tumbling into the water. She stayed under the surface as he flailed, swimming quickly to where she saw Liam’s legs and swimming full force into the backs of his knees, bowling him over as well. She swam away as fast as she could, not surfacing until she was convinced she’d put a reasonable distance between them.
When Jessie rubbed her eyes and looked around, she saw both men standing warily on opposite sides of the pond, and she couldn’t contain her laughter. They both looked so tense, nervously waiting for what she’d do next. She held her sides and laughed, smug she’d been able to throw them so off balance. She screamed and began swimming for her life a moment later as Gabriel and Liam looked at one another, an unspoken message passing between them before they turned toward her and started to swim in her direction. With nowhere to go, Jessie ducked beneath the surface, thinking that if she could pass undetected between them she’d be able to climb out of the pond before they knew what had happened.
She swam slowly, not wanting the ripples she made to alert the men to where she was, not daring to raise her head to take a breath until her fingers encountered the dirt wall of the pond. She crouched down beneath the water, tensing her legs to spring upward and out of the pond. Only then did she allow herself an explosive breath as she breached the water’s surface, filling her lungs and levering herself up on her arms as she kicked her legs to help propel herself out of the water. She shrieked as she felt an arm snake around her waist from behind.
“Ah-ha!” Liam gave voice to the triumphant shout, dragging Jessie back into the pond, cushioning her fall against his chest and making sure she didn’t go under the surface.
“What are you, part fish?” Gabriel sounded slightly annoyed, making Jessie grin. There was something about irritating the duke that she found immensely satisfying.
“I love to swim. I’ve been coming here for ages.”
“Don’t I know it.” Gabriel swam up in front of her, tugging her legs up around his waist as she bobbed between him and Liam.
Jessie smiled primly at him, her eyes sparkling. “It’s very ungentlemanly of you to have watched me here, Your Grace.”
Liam’s hands crept once more around her, cupping Jessie’s water-slickened breasts and palming the soft globes. “It’s very unladylike of you not to have told us what you were doing, My Lady.”
Gabriel reached forward, making Jessie gasp as his big hands cupped her ass, his devilish fingers delving between her cheeks to brush against the rosebud hidden there. “Unladylike indeed. We could have helped you.”
Jessie clutched Gabriel’s neck, the twin strokes to her breasts and bottom heating her from the inside. “What would I have said? ‘I’m off to go plug my ass and make myself come, should you care to join me.’ Indeed, that would have been far more ladylike.”
Both men laughed softly, toying with Jessie for a moment before Gabriel spoke.
“What were you thinking about, the time I watched you?”
Jessie blushed, ducking her head under Gabriel’s chin. She squeaked as a big finger pressed warningly at her anus, the tip just slipping inside as Liam pinched her nipples between his fingers and thumbs.
“Lady Jessamy?” Gabriel’s tone told her he was becoming impatient.
“I was thinking about you watching me.” Jessie bit her lip. “And then I thought of both of you, taking me together.”
The fingers paused in
their torment. Jessie bit her lip, wondering if she’d said something wrong.
“Is that so?” Gabriel’s voice was almost purring, and she felt Liam feather a kiss on the top of her head. “We’ll continue this discussion. After lunch.”
Jessie cried out as she felt Gabriel’s finger slip out of her anus, and she was left feeling bereft as Liam released her nipples. She felt herself turned over in the water and gently herded to shore, Liam and Gabriel swimming on either side of her.
Once out of the pond, all three stretched out to lie on the blanket to dry off, the warmth of the sun and light breeze whisking the moisture away from their skin.
Gabriel lay on one side of Jessie, toying idly with her nipples. Liam lay on the other side and seemed content to watch Gabriel play.
“You know,” Gabriel mused, his fingers plucking at Jessie’s breasts, “when I watched you here last time I was struck by how much the water on your nipples looked like jewels. I made myself a mental note to purchase you a jeweled set of clamps at my first opportunity.”
Jessie’s mouth had gone dry, and she stared at him. She was conscious that Liam had also gone perfectly still.
“Indeed, Your Grace?”
“Indeed.” Gabriel smiled at her, rousing himself and going to the duffel he’d brought, unzipping it and rummaging inside for a moment before returning with the promised clamps. He toyed with them, turning them over in his hands and increasing Jessie’s anticipation.
“Are they diamonds?” Liam’s voice was curious, and Jessie could feel where his cock was rapidly hardening against her side.